[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Meeting 2003 [Registration, Hotel reservation + Tentative programme]
Dr. Diego Kuonen
kuonen at statoo.com
Mon Jun 30 08:11:43 CEST 2003
Swiss Statistics Meeting
Schweizer Statistiktage
Journées suisses de la statistique
Giornate svizzere della statistica
October 29-31, 2003, Montreux, Switzerland
Latest announcements:
- Registration form is available;
- Hotel reservation form is available;
- Tentative programme schedule is available (Version: June 27, 2003).
Further information at http://www.statoo.ch/jss03/
Please feel free to distribute this email to interested collegues and
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate contacting me.
Looking forward to meet you in October in Montreux.
Dr. Diego Kuonen, on behalf of the organizing committee
Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CEO phone +41 (0)21 693 5508
Applied Statistician & Data Miner mobile +41 (0)78 709 5384
Statoo Consulting email kuonen at statoo.com
PO Box 107, CH-1015 Lausanne web http://www.statoo.info
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`Swiss Statistics Meeting 2003' http://www.statoo.ch/jss03/
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