[Statlist] Seminar ueber Statistik
Christina Kuenzli
kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon May 19 11:17:42 CEST 2003
ETH and University of Zurich
Proff. A.D. Barbour -- P. Buehlmann -- F. Hampel -- H.R. Kuensch
We are pleased to announce the following seminar
May 23, 2003, 15.15
Leonhardstrasse 27, 8006 Zürich, LEO C15
Hierarchical Testing Design for Pattern Recognition
Donald Geman, Dept. of Mathematics Sciences,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
It is unlikely that very complex problems in machine perception, such
as full-scale scene interpretation, will yield directly to improved
methods of statistical learning. Some organizational framework is
needed to confront the small amount of data relative to the large
number of possible explanations, and to make sure that intensive
computation is restricted to genuinely ambiguous regions. As an
example, we discuss the theoretical foundations of a "twenty
questions" approach to pattern recognition. The object of analysis is
the computational process itself rather than probability distributions
(Bayesian inference) or decision boundaries (statistical learning).
Under mild assumptions, optimal strategies exhibit a steady
progression from broad scope (i.e., high invariance) coupled with low
power to high power coupled with dedication to specific explanations.
Such designs then provide a blueprint for efficient learning and
June 6, 2003, 15.15
Leonhardstrasse 27, 8006 Zürich, LEO C15
Guilt by association: detecting human disease genes by analyzing DNA
sequence patterns
Anja Wille, Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zentrum
(LEO is close to the main building, across the hill-side station of the
Overview maps of ETH : http://www.ethz.ch/search/orientation_en.asp
Further information: Christina Kuenzli, Statistics Seminar of ETH Zurich
Everybody is kindly invited
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Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich
Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology Zurich
Christina Kuenzli <kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik
Leonhardstr. 27, LEO D11 phone: +41 1 632 3438
ETH-Zentrum, fax : +41 1 632 1228
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland http://stat.ethz.ch/~
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