[Statlist] Journal (medical stat.) with reduced subscription

Werner Stahel stahel at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Nov 25 10:58:20 CET 2003

I am writing to remind you of your privileged association with Statistical
Modelling and Statistical Methods in Medical Research.   You and your members
are entitled to a greatly reduced subscription rate to this journal for 2004! 

Please feel free to pass this information onto your society members so that
they can avail of this special offer.   I am happy to supply any promotional
literature or copy that you may require to publicise this saving to your

If you would like more information on this journal, or indeed any of our
journals or publications then please do not hesitate to contact me.  Full
details of current subscription prices and savings can be found on our website

Kindest Regards,


Patrick Kelly

Senior Product Manager for
Journals & Reference Books

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