[Statlist] Call for Papers for ICOTS 7, 2006 (fwd)
Riccardo Gatto
riccardo.gatto at stat.unibe.ch
Mon Aug 23 18:36:56 CEST 2004
Dear members of the SSS,
I have been asked to forward this email. More information is given below.
With my best regards
Riccardo Gatto
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 18:32:02 +0200
From: Carmen Batanero <batanero at ugr.es>
To: riccardo.gatto at stat.unibe.ch
Subject: Call for Papers for ICOTS 7, 2006
Dear Professor Gatto
Below we are including a plain text version of ICOTS-7 (the International
Conference on the Teaching of Statistics that is oly held every 4 years)
Call for Papers.
Wne would be most grateful if you could help distributing this Call for
Papers throughout the members of the Education Section in your Society. The
plain text version is below as part of this message but a much nicer
coloured pdf file is at
Best regards
Carmen Batanero
ICOTS-7 International Programme Committee
The 2006 Conference will be held in the city of Salvador, in the state of
Bahia, Brazil, July 2-7. It will be organised by the International
Association for Statistics Education (IASE) and the Brazilian Statistical
Association (ABE), with support of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE).
Statistics educators, statisticians, teachers and educators at large are
invited to contribute to the scientific programme. Types of contribution
include invited papers, contributed papers and posters. No person may author
more than one Invited Paper at the conference, although the same person can
be co-author of more than one paper, provided each paper is presented by a
different person.
Voluntary refereeing procedures will be implemented for ICOTS7. Details of
how to prepare manuscripts, the refereeing process and final submission
arrangements will be announced later.
Invited Paper Sessions are organized within 9 different Conference Topics 1
to 9. The list of Topic and Sessions themes, with email contact for Session
Organisers is available at the ICOTS-7 web site at
http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/icots7, under "Scientific Programme". Those
interested in submitting an invited paper should contact the appropriate
Session Organiser before December 1, 2004.
Contributed paper sessions will be arranged in a variety of areas. Those
interested in submitting a contributed paper should contact either Joachim
Engel (Engel_Joachim at ph-ludwigsburg.de) or Allan MacLean
(alan.mclean at buseco.monash.edu.au) before September 1, 2005.
Those interested in submitting a poster should contact Celi Lopes
(celilopes at uol.com.br) before February, 1, 2006.
It is important for you to know that all participants have to register for
the Conference. Details about the registration procedure will be given
If requested, the IASE is normally happy to give permission for authors to
submit their papers (or a more comprehensive version) to other journals,
such as Statistics Education Research Journal, Journal of Statistics
Education, International Statistical Review or Teaching Statistics. If this
occurs the author must seek approval of the editors of the ICOTS7
Proceedings and the IASE President. The paper must have an acknowledgement
saying "This article was written for, and published in, the ICOTS7
Proceedings and is reprinted (in revised form, if relevant) here with the
permission of the IASE".
More information is available from the ICOTS-7 web site at
http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/icots7 or from the ICOTS IPC Chair Carmen
Batanero (batanero at ugr.es), the Programme Chair Susan Starkings
(starkisa at lsbu.ac.uk) and the Scientific Secretary John Harraway
(jharraway at maths.otago.ac.nz).
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