[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Meetings 2004 & 2005
Dr. Diego Kuonen
kuonen at statoo.com
Mon Dec 6 19:58:46 CET 2004
Dear colleagues,
First of all let me thank on behalf of the organizing committee
those who attended this year's Swiss Statistics Meeting. We are
sure that the meeting was worth for all participants.
Please find at
further information, the `Book of Abstracts' and an archive of
speeches and presentations.
Note that next year's Swiss Statistics Meeting will be held in
Zurich, Switzerland, November 9-11, 2005.
Please add this date to your calendars! Further information will
become available in due course at
The organizing committee of the "Swiss Statistics Meeting 2005"
hopes to see you all again next year and for those who were unable
to come this year we hope you will consider coming along.
Meanwhile, let me wish you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New
Diego Kuonen, on behalf of the organizing committees
Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CEO phone +41 (0)21 693 5508
Statoo Consulting fax +41 (0)21 693 8765
PO Box 107, CH-1015 Lausanne 15 mobile +41 (0)78 709 5384
web http://www.statoo.info email kuonen at statoo.com
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