[Statlist] PhD/Postdoc Position Available

Marcus Hutter marcus at idsia.ch
Wed Dec 29 13:28:49 CET 2004

PhD / Postdoc Position Available

IDSIA, Switzerland, is seeking for one outstanding PostDoc or PhD student
with excellent mathematical skills interested in reinforcement learning,
algorithmic information theory, Kolmogorov complexity, Minimal Description
Length (MDL), information theory and statistics, Bayesian online sequence
prediction, prediction and action with expert advice, computational
complexity theory, universal Solomonoff induction, universal Levin search,
sequential decision theory, adaptive control theory, and/or related areas.

Possible backgrounds are computer science, physics, mathematics, etc. The
initial appointment will be for 2 years. Normally there will be a

The new PhD student/PostDoc will interact with Marcus Hutter and Juergen
Schmidhuber and other people at IDSIA.

See http://www.idsia.ch/~marcus/idsia/phdpos.htm for more information on the
PhD position and http://www.idsia.ch/~marcus/idsia/postdoc.htm for more
information on the PostDoc position.

Applicants should submit:

  (i) Detailed curriculum vitae (including grades),
 (ii) List of three references (and their email addresses),
(iii) Concise statement of their research interests (1-2 pages).
(iv) Links to their thesis and/or publications.

Please send all documents till end of January 2005 to:

Marcus Hutter, IDSIA, Galleria 2, 6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.

Applications can also be submitted by email to marcus at idsia.ch (1MB max!).
www pointers to ps/pdf/doc/html files are welcome.
Use Firstname.Lastname.DocDescription.DocType for filename convention.

Thanks for your interest

Marcus Hutter, Senior researcher, IDSIA
Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale
Galleria 2 CH-6928 Manno(Lugano) - Switzerland
Phone: +41-91-6108668 Fax: +41-91-6108661
E-mail marcus at idsia.ch     http://www.idsia.ch/~marcus

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