[Statlist] Preliminary announcement: International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics

Dr. Diego Kuonen kuonen at statoo.com
Thu Feb 5 10:10:50 CET 2004

Dear members of the Swiss Statistical Society (SSS),

It is a great pleasure for me to announce you in the name of the
Committee of the Section of Business and Industry of the Swiss
Statistical Society (SSS-BI) the following international symposium,
which is co-organised by the SSS-BI:

   ISBIS 4 - International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics
   13 - 16 April 2005,  Cairns Australia

ISBIS 4 is the fourth in a series of international symposia focussing on
important statistical issues relating to productivity improvement, improved
use of quantitative methods to support decision-making at all levels of
business and industry, and statistical aspects of Finance. Many world leading
industrial statisticians will be participating. These symposia are organised
by the Statistics in Business and Industry Committee of the International
Statistical Institute.

As a satellite meeting to the 55th Session of the International Statistical
Institute (Sydney, 5-12 April), ISBIS4 will be held in the vicinity of
Cairns, on the Great Barrier Reef, an area of remarkable natural beauty and
one of Australia's best vacation areas.

The symposium will provide a varied and stimulating scientific program of
invited and contributed papers, and excellent opportunities for formal and
informal exchanges. Authors will have the opportunity to submit extended
versions of their papers for publication in a special edition of an
international statistics journal specialising in business and industrial

Please visit http://www.action-m.com/isbis4/prereg_form.php to be put on
the mailing list for further information.

Further information about the SSS-BI is available on the SSS-BI home
page at


If you have any suggestions or enquiries concerning the SSS-BI, please
contact one of the Committee members.

Sincerely yours,

   Diego Kuonen
   Vice President of the SSS & President of the SSS-BI

Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CEO            phone  +41 (0)21 693 5508
Statoo Consulting                       fax    +41 (0)21 693 8765
PSE-B, CH-1015 Lausanne 15              mobile +41 (0)78 709 5384
web    http://www.statoo.info           email   kuonen at statoo.com
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