[Statlist] [Fwd: Announcement: BBS Spring Seminar on 7 May, 2004]

Dr. Diego Kuonen kuonen at statoo.com
Thu Feb 12 17:59:07 CET 2004

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Announcement: BBS Spring Seminar on 7 May, 2004
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004
From: astrid.walter at pharma.novartis.com

Preliminary Announcement:

BBS Spring Seminar on "Epidemiology and Health Economics"

Basel, Switzerland: May 7, 2004

This year, the Spring Seminar of the BBS will cover an area of increasing
importance for health care providers, be it public organizations or the
pharmaceutical industry. The seminar intends to give an overview of the
issues and concepts related to epidemiology and health economics, to which
modeling and statistics provide essential contributions. Speakers from
acadamia and industry will present their perspective of this topic.

Another announcement with speaker names and topics will follow in due
course. The BBS homepage (http://www.unibas.ch/bbs/) will provide regular
updates on the Spring Seminar.

With best regards,

Gerd Rosenkranz
President BBS

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