[Statlist] German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics

Hans-Ruedi Kuensch kuensch at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jan 21 10:42:47 CET 2004

The German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics will
take place in Karlsruhe from March 23 -26, 2004.  The aim of the
conference is to provide an international forum for presentation
and discussion of new results in the area of probability and
statistics. The conference is open for all participants from
universities, business, administration and industry from all
countries, and I think it would be a good opportunity to
strengthen connections with our German colleagues. Every
participant can present a contributed paper of 25 minutes.

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is
January 31, 2004. For more information and registration, see 


Hans R. Kuensch

Hans R. Kuensch			Phone: +41-1-632 3416
Seminar fuer Statistik		Fax:   +41-1-632 1228
ETH Zentrum			email: kuensch at stat.math.ethz.ch
CH-8092 Zuerich			Street address (for Fedex etc.):
Switzerland			Leonhardstr. 27

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