[Statlist] Meeting to celebrate Sir David Cox' s 80th Birthday

Stephen Senn stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk
Wed Jun 9 15:37:50 CEST 2004

Members of the list may be interested in this meeting which has at least 
these three Swiss connections. One of the organisers is from Switzerland, 
one of the speakers is based in Switzerland and the sponsoring company has 
its global headquarters in Switzerland. Sir David's work is well-known in 
Switzerland (as elsewhere ) of course! Details below.
Stephen Senn

A joint meeting of the Royal Statistical Society and the British Region of 
the International Biometrical Society will be held on Wednesday 23 June 
2004 in honour of the 80th birthday of Sir David Cox FRS.  The event is 
sponsored by Novartis.

This full day meeting (10.30am - 5pm) will take place at the Martin Wood 
Lecture Theatre in the Clarendon Laboratory at the University of Oxford.

Speakers will be Rosemary Bailey, Andrew Mead, Christl Donnelly, Per Kragh 
Andersen, Amy Berrington, Ian White, Anthony Davison and David Cox himself.

Further details are available at 
www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/~rab/biometrics/meet.html and a registration form can 
be downloaded from http://www.rss.org.uk/events/docs/230604.pdf.

Registrations should be received by 14 June at the latest.

Paul Gentry
Theme Manager, Meetings & Conferences
Royal Statistical Society
conference at rss.org.uk
Direct line: 020 7614 3918
Fax: 020 7614 3905

Join the Royal Statistical Society today. For more details go to 

Paul Gentry
Theme Manager, Meetings & Conferences
Royal Statistical Society
Direct line: 020 7614 3918
Fax: 020 7614 3905

Join the Royal Statistical Society today. For more details go to 

Stephen Senn
Professor of Statistics

Department of Statistics
15 University Gardens
<http://www.gla.ac.uk>University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ

Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5141
Fax: +44(0)141 330 4814
email stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk

Private webpage: http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/home.html

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