[Statlist] Vacancy in Econometrics

Rainer Winkelmann winkelmann at sts.unizh.ch
Mon Mar 1 12:15:26 CET 2004

The Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information
Technology of the University of Zurich invites applications for a full
professorship in


(starting date: March 1, 2005). The Faculty is very research oriented
and systematically promotes innovative teaching and research.

The successful candidate must possess a strong research record. The
focus of his or her research is the development of econometric methods,
and their application to  important economic problems. Teaching
responsibilities comprise courses in Econometrics at the Master and
Ph.D. levels, as well as participation in the undergraduate program in
statistics and empirical methods. Experience in supervising students
both at the undergraduate and at the graduate level is of advantage.

The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer, and we
therefore explicitly invite women to apply.

Please submit your application before April 5, 2004 to

Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Wehrli
Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration
and Information Technology, University of Zurich
Raemistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zürich

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