[Statlist] PhD Studentship

Pedram Sendi psendi at uhbs.ch
Thu May 27 09:30:09 CEST 2004

University of Basel, Institute for Clinical Epidemiology: PHD 
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Closing Date: Applications are reviewed until the position is filled
Applications are invited for a three-year studentship funded by the 
Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology (BICE). The successful 
candidate will register for the interfaculty PhD programme in 
Epidemiology with a concentration in Health Economics at the 
University of Basel.
There will be opportunities to work on research topics relevant to 
the thesis topic and designated by the leader of the research team to
which the student is attached. The thesis will address applied and 
methodological research questions in the economic evaluation of 
health care interventions. The thesis will focus on statistical 
issues in economic evaluations conducted alongside randomised 
controlled trials and on advanced modelling methods in 
cost-effectiveness analysis.
Candidates should have, or be about to complete, a Masters degree in 
Statistics/Biostatistics or Economics/Econometrics. They should 
have strong quantitative skills and have a firm command of an 
advanced statistical programming language such as S-Plus or SAS. 
Furthermore, they should be familiar with Bayesian statistics and 
preferably have experience in using a designated software package 
such as WinBUGS. 
The studentship will include a salary at standard SNSF rates for a 
single individual. The successful candidate will be attached to the 
health economic research team at the Institute. The Institute will 
provide computing and other facilities. The student will be located 
at BICE and will be expected to contribute to the intellectual life 
of the Institute. The Department is English speaking, but additional 
understanding of German would be beneficial. 

Applications, in the form of a CV, three references and a statement 
of interest (one side of A4), should be sent to: 
Pedram Sendi, MD, DSc
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology
Basel University Hospital
Hebelstrasse 10
4031 Basel
E-Mail: psendi at uhbs.ch

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