[Statlist] Christopher Field Retirement Symposium

Eva Cantoni Eva.Cantoni at metri.unige.ch
Fri Nov 26 14:22:16 CET 2004

Dr Joanna Mills Flemming asked me to circulate the information below.

Best regards,
Eva Cantoni

*Chris Field will be retiring from Dalhousie University next summer. A
symposium to mark this occasion will be held August 15, 2005. For a list
of speakers and for more information, please visit the website


 Dr Eva Cantoni                 phone  : (+41) 22 379 8240
 Econométrie - Univ. Genève     fax    : (+41) 22 379 8299
 40, Bd du Pont d'Arve          e-mail : Eva.Cantoni at metri.unige.ch
 CH-1211 Genève 4               http://www.unige.ch/ses/metri/cantoni

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