[Statlist] Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS4): Deadline for abstracts 15 February 2005

yves-laurent.grize at baloise.ch yves-laurent.grize at baloise.ch
Wed Jan 12 10:05:42 CET 2005

In behalf of the Business and Industry Section of the SSS, I am forwarding 
you the final annoucement for ISBIS4.

Yves-L. Grize

Fourth International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics 
13 - 16 April 2005
Novotel Resort Palm Cove, Tropical North Queensland, Australia
ISBIS4 is being held at an outstanding venue, in one of the world's top tourist destinations because of its proximity 
to the Great Barrier Reef and the Wilderness region of the Daintree. The 
scientific program will feature many of the world's leading statistical 
researchers and practitioners in business, industry and finance. The scientific program will include sessions on:
a)       traditional areas in industrial statistics such as quality and 
reliability improvement, design of experiments, applications and case 
studies, and six sigma;
b)       topics in business and finance such as financial modelling, 
market research, risk management, and forecasting; and 
c)       a variety of other topics such as network modelling, computer 
experiments, and statistics in the pharmaceutical industry.
There will also be ample opportunity for more informal discussions in a 
very pleasant environment.
ISBIS4 will be held immediately following the 55th ISI Session in Sydney. On 13 April, Jerry Friedman and Glenn Stone will present a one-day workshop on Data Mining: Methods and Applications in Insurance and Finance and the 
main conference will commence with a reception in the evening.
You are now invited to register for the conference, to contribute a paper (only an Abstract is required), and to book accommodation. Book soon to take advantage of discounted registration fees! And don't 
forget pre- and post-conference tours.
Enquiries should be directed to the professional conference organiser, Milena Zeithamlova, in the first instance.
I look forward to welcoming you to Palm Cove!
Nick Fisher
Director, ISBIS4

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