[Statlist] Seminar ueber Statistik
Christina Kuenzli
kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue May 10 12:14:41 CEST 2005
ETH and University of Zurich
Proff. A.D. Barbour -- P. Buehlmann -- F. Hampel -- H.R. Kuensch
We are pleased to announce the following talks
Friday, May 13, 2005, 15.15, LEO C15
An overview/discussion of various graphical model selection
approaches, with genomic applications in mind.
David George Edwards, Biostatistics, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark.
Many approaches to graphical model selection have been proposed, but most
seem unsuitable for the huge sparse problems arising in genomics. The
talk will sketch some methods with focus on approaches based on tests in
low-dimensional margins (Kreiner, 1989; Wille et al, 2004), which seem
very promising.
Friday, May 20, 2005, 14.15 - 18.00 Lecture Hall B5
Inst. für Exakte Wissenschaften,
Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Swiss Statistics Seminar 2005
Organized by: Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) in cooperation with
Bern University, ETH Zuerich and EPF Lausanne
Friday, May 27, 2005, 15.15, LEO C15
Estimation and Testing with Interval-Censored Data
Jon A. Wellner, University of Washington, Seattle WA
(Visiting Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
(LEO (Leonhardstrasse 27, 8006 Zurich) is close to the main building,
across the hill-side station of the 'Polybahn')
Overview maps of ETH : http://www.ethz.ch/search/orientation_en.asp
Christina Kuenzli <kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik
Leonhardstr. 27, LEO D11 phone: +41 44 632 3438
ETH-Zentrum, fax : +41 44 632 1228
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland http://stat.ethz.ch/~
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