[Statlist] Seminar ueber Statistik
Christina Kuenzli
kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Nov 16 15:22:58 CET 2005
ETH and University of Zurich
A.D. Barbour - P. Buehlmann - F. Hampel - H.R. Kuensch - S. van de Geer
We are pleased to announce the following talks
Friday, November 18, 2005, 15.15, LEO C15
Testing against a high-dimensional alternative, with
applications to microarray data
Jelle Goeman, Medical Statistics, University of Leiden
Friday, November 24, 2005, 15.15, LEO C15
Model Selection Challenge
Isabelle Guyon, ClopiNet, Berkeley, CA, USA
A central problem in predictive modeling is to select the best model for
a given task. Several models have proven to perform well in various
contexts, including kernel methods, neural networks, and decision trees.
Yet, none of them outperforms consistently the others across
applications. Additionally, the selection of hyperparamenters also
appears to be critical.
We have been working on the design of a benchmark for model selection in
the context of supervised learning. We have set up a challenge platform
for a competition
(http://www.modelselect.inf.ethz.ch/index.php), which
is attracting an increasing number of participants. The participants are
competing on five large two-class classification problems from different
application domains.
Our presentation will review the following questions:
- What is the problem of model selection and what is so challenging
about it?
- What experience have we gained from the organization of past challenges?
- How can we benchmark model selection for supervised learning?
- What limitations are we facing?
- What do we expect from the challenge?
The challenge participants have access to a library of machine learning
algorithms based on the Spider
(http://www.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/bs/people/spider/) developed at the Max
Planck Institute. We will introduce the audience to the Spider environment.
(LEO (Leonhardstrasse 27, 8006 Zurich) is close to the main building,
across the hill-side station gof the 'Polybahn')
Overview maps of ETH : http://www.ethz.ch/search/orientation_en.asp
Christina Kuenzli <kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik
Leonhardstr. 27, LEO D11 phone: +41 (0)44 632 3438
ETH-Zentrum, fax : +41 (0)44 632 1228
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland http://stat.ethz.ch/~
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