[Statlist] Three PhD positions

Elvezio Ronchetti Elvezio.Ronchetti at metri.unige.ch
Tue Dec 19 08:15:46 CET 2006

Swiss National Science Foundation

Pro*Docs Research Training Program
University of St. Gallen and University of Lugano

Three Pro*Docs PhD positions open at the University of Lugano

Three Pro*Docs PhD positions in Quantitative Economics and Finance, 
starting in February 2007 or later, are open at the University of 
Lugano. These positions are part of the SNSF Pro*Docs project, which has
been accepted by the SNSF to promote a graduate school in Economics in 
Switzerland. The project supports the PhD programs of the Economics 
faculties of the Universities of St. Gallen and Lugano.

Web page: http://www.istituti.usilu.net/gagliarp/web/prodoc/prodoc.htm

The ideal candidate for these positions will have a strong background in 
quantitative methods for Economics and Finance (e.g. at the level of a 
Master Degree), including Econometrics and Financial Econometrics, and
a high interest for applications to Economics and Finance. Applications 
to the positions of candidates with background in, e.g., Mathematics or 
Physics are also mostly welcome. The faculty involved in the
organisation of the doctoral program for the successful candidates is 
part of a young and strongly oriented research group, in which the new 
PhD students will be actively integrated. Depending on the background of
the successful candidate, a first year PhD training program consisting 
of about eight courses will be designed, which will optimally combine 
the offer of PhD courses held at the University of Lugano, the
University of St. Gallen and the NCCR FINRISK network, with respect to 
the candidate's profile. The second and third year of the PhD will 
consist of both selected advanced courses and a research phase, which is
devoted to the writing of the PhD thesis.

Interested candidates, please send a detailed CV with a motivation
letter in electronic form to either: Elvezio.Ronchetti at metri.unige.ch, 
Patrick.Gagliardini at lu.unisi.ch, or Fabio.Trojani at unisg.ch.

Prof. Elvezio Ronchetti
Chair Dept. of Econometrics
University of Geneva
Blv. Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Geneva

e-mail     Elvezio.Ronchetti at metri.unige.ch
tel        +41 22 379 8131
tel (secr) +41 22 379 8229
Fax        +41 22 379 8299

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