[Statlist] Biometrie Seminar der ROeS / Bern , Sept. 9-13, 2007 / Invitation and call for papers

willi.maurer at novartis.com willi.maurer at novartis.com
Sun Apr 8 16:13:08 CEST 2007

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, 

das Biometrische Seminar der Region Oesterreich-Schweiz der IBS (ROeS) 
findet dieses Jahr vom 9. -13. September in Bern statt.

Auch diesmal erwartet Sie ein interessantes Programm  sowie ein 
Präseminar-Kurs am Sonntag, 9. Sept. über "Adaptive Designs".
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie an unserem Seminar teilnehmen wollen. 
Im Anhang unten finden Sie Details zum geplanten Programm und ein 
Anmeldeformular. Wir möchte Sie auch ermuntern, sich für eine Vortrag im 
Rahmen der freien Vorträge anzumelden, und ein Abstract einzureichen.

We kindly invite you to the next seminar of the ROeS in Bern, Switzerland, 
from 9.09.-13.09.2007.

The conference will cover the following topics:

 -      Selection procedures and bias
-       Statistical dose finding strategies
-       Statistical methods in genetics and proteomics
-       Methods in meta analyses

There will be special sessions with presentations by Young Statisticians 
from  Switzerland and Austria in parallel to a contributed paper sessions.

Colleagues interested in giving a presentation to one of the topics above 
or another biometrical topic are encouraged to send an abstract to 
Hans-Ulrich Burger, F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG, PDMB,670/147A, CH-4070 Basel, hans_ulrich.burger at roche.com or to Christian Hoffmann, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL, CH-8909 
Birmensdorf, hoffmann at wsl.ch by 11 May 2007.

We are pleased being able to offer this seminar again a pre seminar course 
on the Sunday preceding the seminar as last time in Graz. This year a 
course on adaptive designs will be organized by Werner Brannath, Frank 
Bretz and Gernot Wassmer.

Please find enclosed the program, the application form and some more 
information about the seminar. You'll also find all information on the 
ROeS homepage http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/ROeS/.

We hope to meet you in Bern and look forward to an interesting meeting and 
lively conversations with colleagues in one of the traditional restaurants 
or on the excursion. 

In honour of Prof. Dr. Arthur Linder an award is given to younger members 
of the ROeS (under 35 years) for outstanding research work in the area of 
biometry. Applied or theoretical work can be submitted. The award is 
honoured with CHF  2.000,-.
Submissions (research work and curriculum vitae, each with five copies) 
have to be sent to the ROeS president: Hans-Ulrich Burger, F.Hoffmann-La 
Roche AG, PDMB-670/417A, CH-4070 Basel, hans_ulrich.burger at roche.com. Two 
reviewers should also be suggested. Deadline is May 1st, 2007. If the work is already accepted for publication in a scientific journal, 
please enclose also the anonymous reviews.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Hans-Ulrich Burger, Päsident der ROeS,
Hans-Ulrich Burger
F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG, 4070 Basel
Tel. +41 (0)61 68 81499
e-mail: hans_ulrich.burger at roche.com

Willi Maurer, Oertliche Tagungsleitung
Willi Maurer
 Novartis Pharma AG, 4002 Basel
Tel. +41 (0)61 32 43043
e-mail: willi.maurer at novartis.com

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