[Statlist] Course on meta-analysis Basle 15/16 November 2007

Stephen Senn stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk
Fri Aug 31 17:41:14 CEST 2007

Dear Colleagues,
Notification of a course I will be giving in Basle later in the autumn.


Meta-analysis in Drug Development

Date:                         November 15th, 2007 / 09.30 a.m. to 04.45 p.m.
                                    November 16th, 2007 / 09.00 a.m. 
to 03.30 p.m.

Location:                  BIOP AG, Centralbahnstrasse 9, 4051 Basel

Course Instructor:  Prof. Stephen Senn
                                    a well known medical statistician 
who has worked in and consults
                             regularly for the pharmaceutical 
industry. He is the author of over 200
                             publications including the books 
Cross-over Trials in Clinical Research,
                             Statistical Issues in Drug Development 
and Dicing with Death.

Who would benefit from this course?

The course will be invaluable for all those involved in meta-analysis 
of pharmaceuticals, whether as consumer or producer, or working for 
sponsor, regulator, contract research organisation or academia. The 
course is certified by the SwAPP (Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical 

For further details see


Stephen Senn
Professor of Statistics

Department of Statistics
15 University Gardens
<http://www.gla.ac.uk>University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ

Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5141
Fax: +44(0)141 330 4814
email stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk

Private webpage: http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/home.html

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