[Statlist] position

Elvezio Ronchetti Elvezio.Ronchetti at metri.unige.ch
Fri Jan 26 18:50:17 CET 2007

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Department of Mathematics.

Applications are invited for a full-time position in
Statistics/Biostatistics, to begin in Fall 2007. Applicants must possess a
Ph.D. in Mathematics or in Statistics, with expertise in Biostatistics
and/or mathematical models in biology. He (she) should provide evidence of
strong research potential and the capacity to engage in international and
interdisciplinary collaboration.

The successful candidate will be strongly involved in the coordination of a
new two-year Master program in Biostatistics, where he (she) is expected to
teach courses at intermediate and advanced level. He (she) will join the
small but well-visible team of statisticians at ULB, and actively
participate in their general activities (seminars, doctoral school,
supervision of master theses, Š ), while developing the biostatistical
aspects thereof.

Fluency in French is a plus, but not a requirement in the first few years.

Further information can be obtained from


or by writing to

Marc HALLIN, vice-Chair, Department of Mathematics
Campus de la Plaine CP 210
B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium  Tél.: +32 02-650 58 86 Fax: 02-650 58 99
mhallin at ulb.ac.be


Simone GUTT, Chair, Department of Mathematics, Campus de la Plaine, CP 210
B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium  Tél.: +32 02-650 58 38 Fax: 02-650 58 99
sgutt at ulb.ac.be

Deadline for application : April 15, 2007

Administrative reference : vacancy # 06-079

Application letters should be sent in duplicate to the Recteur de
l¹Université libre de Bruxelles, 50 avenue F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Bruxelles
Belgium, and should contain

(i) a complete CV
(ii) a presentation (about 3500 characters) of the candidates¹ most relevant
(iii) a description (about 3500 characters) of the candidate¹s research
projects over the coming years
(iv) a short presentation of the candidate¹s pedagogical views of the
program to be organized


Prof. Elvezio Ronchetti
Chair Dept. of Econometrics
University of Geneva
Blv. Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Geneva

e-mail     Elvezio.Ronchetti at metri.unige.ch
tel        +41 22 379 8131
tel (secr) +41 22 379 8229
Fax        +41 22 379 8299

Master of Science in Statistics:

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