[Statlist] Séminaire 26/06/2007 - Institut de Statistique, Neuchâtel

ISTAT Messagerie Messagerie.ISTAT at unine.ch
Wed Jun 13 10:40:23 CEST 2007


Séminaire de Statistique 
Institut de Statistique, Université de Neuchâtel 

Pierre à Mazel 7 (1er étage,salle 110), Neuchâtel,


Mardi 26 juin 2007, 11h00


Prof. P.R. Parthasarathy

Department of Mathematics,  Indian Institute of Technology, Madras


Topic: Exact Transient Solution of a State-dependent Birth and Death Process.


Abstract: The time-dependent solution of certain simple birth and death processes are usually derived by solving partial differential equations satisfied by the generating functions. In this talk, we obtain the transient probabilities of state-dependent birth and death processes in terms of power series expression using continued fractions. In this study, the underlying forward Kolmogorov differential-difference equations are first transformed into a set of linear algebraic equations by employing Laplace transforms. This leads to a J-fraction which is expressed as a formal power series. Inverting we get the transient probabilities of state-dependent BDPs in closed form. Several examples are presented to illustrate this approach.



Pierre à Mazel, 7

CH - 2000 Neuchâtel


le lundi toute la journée et le jeudi après-midi


Secrétariat Sciences Economiques

rue de la Maladière, 8-10

CH - 2000 Neuchâtel


mardi, mercredi toute la journée et jeudi matin


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