[Statlist] WG: WG: ECAS-2007 on SEM : second announcement
Caterina Savi
caterina.savi at bluewin.ch
Fri Jun 22 17:14:40 CEST 2007
Second course announcement and call for application for the
course on
11-th ed. of the European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS)
The deadline for application has been delayed to
For more information on this summer school, see
The ECAS 2007 session will give a general overview of the
methodological and theoretical aspects of SEM, in the case of
numerical variables (normal distribution or else) as well as
categorical and ordinal cases.
Most recent developments will be considered, and the PLS approach
will receive attention, for models integrating formative as well as
reflective constructs.
The audience of this ECAS Session are PhD students, substantive
researchers, and methodologists in Marketing, in the economics, the
social and the behavioral sciences, as well as biometricians and
statisticians with interests in structural equation modeling.
It is assumed that the participants benefit of a good background in
statistics up to and including multivariate analysis, and have been
exposed to matrix algebra. Participants will learn modeling real data
- eventually on their own WIFI compatible laptop - but no previous
acquaintance with one of the currently available software packages in
Structural Equation Modeling is required.
* K. Bollen, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
* I. Moustaki, Athenes Univ. of Economics and Business, Greece
* J. Arbuckle, Temple Univ. , USA
* M. Tenenhaus, HEC Business School, Jouy-en-Josas, France
* P. Valette-Florence, IAE, Univ. Grenoble 2, France
* V. E. Vinzi, ESSEC Business School, Paris, France.
Important dates :
The new deadline for application : July 15, 2007.
Scientific committee:
* G. d'Aubigny, Univ. Grenoble 2, France
* D. Bartholomew, LSE, London, U.K.
* J. De Leeuw, UCLA, USA
* C. Derquenne, EDF R&D, Clamart, France
* K. Jöreskog, Uppsala Univ. , Sweden
* H. Nyquist, Stockholms Univ., Sweden
* G. Saporta, CNAM, Paris, France.
Organizing Committee
-- C. d'Aubigny, Univ. Grenoble 2, France
-- G. d'Aubigny, Univ. Grenoble 2, France
-- P. Garat, Univ. Grenoble 2, France
-- A. Latour, Univ. Grenoble 2, France and UQAM, Canada
-- C. Letellier (secr\'etariat), Univ. Grenoble 2, France
All lectures will be given in English; work material will also be in
Looking forward for reading your application by mail and meeting you
in Aussois,
On behalf of the organizing and local scientific committee,
Prof. G. d'Aubigny Tel : (+33) 04 76 82 54 16
Department of Statistics, Team MS3/LJK
Université Pierre Mendès-France
BSHM, 1251 av. centrale BP 47
38040 Grenoble Cedex 09
ECAS.LabSAD at upmf-grenoble.fr
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