[Statlist] Post-doc and PhD positions

Anne-Lise Courvoisier anne-lise.courvoisier at epfl.ch
Tue Mar 20 11:17:44 CET 2007

Post-doc and PhD positions in Extreme Value Statistics

The ETH-domain, comprising the ETH Zürich, EPF Lausanne, and associated research institutes, including the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), is making a major commitment to environmental research through the creation of a   Competence Centre for Environment and Sustainability,  which will support selected major projects after a competitive review process.

Several full-time post-doctoral and PhD positions are available to work on aspects of modeling natural hazards and particularly extreme environmental events, as part of the EXTREMES project.

The goal of EXTREMES is to develop, validate and apply appropriate statistical and physics-based methods for analysis of rare event data on extreme temperatures, rainfall, snowfall, stratospheric ozone, and earthquakes. While improving risk analysis of hazards in Alpine regions is a priority, we are also interested in potential applications at various regional and global scales, for example linked to climate change.

The positions will be held at the ETH Zürich, EPF Lausanne and the WSL in Davos and Lausanne. Depending on the post, they will entail a mix of methodological research, software development, data analysis, interaction with parallel projects, and some teaching.

The posts are available from as soon as possible for up to three years.  Ideal candidates will have an interest in environmental phenomena, a recent PhD in a suitable numerate subject   (e.g., statistics, applied mathematics, physics of complexity, or environmental engineering), excellent computational, data-analytical and modelling skills, an open and enquiring mind, and a good command of written and spoken English. Experience of working with researchers in related disciplines and knowledge of French or German (depending on the location of the post) would be helpful but are not essential. The ETH domain offers competitive salaries, depending on experience and performance, as well as excellent benefits packages.

For more information, and to apply, please see


The closing date is 31 March 2007.

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