[Statlist] Workshop Zurich 2007
Leonhard Held
leonhard.held at ifspm.uzh.ch
Wed May 30 11:42:26 CEST 2007
Dear colleagues
May I draw your attention to a workshop on
"Recent Advances in the Statistical Analysis of Count and Survival Data"
in Zurich, September 25-26, 2007.
Confirmed speakers are
Peter Diggle, Ludwig Fahrmeir, Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Thomas Gerds,
Michael Höhle, Thomas Kneib und Havard Rue.
There are also slots for a limited number of contributed talks. For more
details about registration etc see
Best regards
Leonhard Held
Biostatistics Unit
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
University of Zurich
Hirschengraben 84
8001 Zurich
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