[Statlist] Talk on Statistics on Thursday, December 18, 2009

Cecilia Rey rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Dec 15 09:28:38 CET 2008

We are glad to announce the following talk

*Thursday, December 18, 2008*, 15.15 - 17.00
in LEO C6, Leonhardstrasse 27, 8092 Zurich

*"On missing data and genotyping errors in association studies"
with Ingo, Ruczinski, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore //
Many algorithms to improve genotype estimates using raw data from 
high-throughput platforms have been proposed in the recent literature. 
Missing genotypes typically arise when the respective algorithms 
indicate that the confidence in certain genotype estimates is low. Thus, 
missing genotype data and genotyping errors are linked: for any 
particular genotype calling algorithm, higher (lower) genotype calling 
rates come with an increase (decrease) in false genotype calls, using 
different confidence thresholds for genotype calling. In this 
presentation, we discuss approaches for dealing with missing data and 
genotype uncertainties in association studies, and also show that 
accounting for genotype uncertainty can be crucial when inferring 
possible copy number variants.

The abstract can also be found under the following link: 

Listeners are welcome!

ETH Zürich
Cecilia Rey-Lutz	          rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Seminar für Statistik
Leonhardstr. 27, LEO D11	  phone: +41 44 632 34 38
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland	  fax  : +42 44 6321228

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