[Statlist] S'eminaire de Statistique NE
Werner Stahel
stahel at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Oct 6 09:32:26 CEST 2008
forwarded from Messagerie.ISTAT at unine.ch
S'eminaire de Statistique
Institut de Statistique, Universit=E9 de Neuch=E2tel
Salle B29, B=E2timent principal de l'Universit=E9, Neuch=E2tel,
Mardi 7 octobre 2008, 11h00
Anouar el Ghouch: Department of Econometrics, University of Geneva, Suisse
Local Polynomial Quantile Regression with Parametric Feature
We propose a new approach to conditional quantile function estimation that =
combines both parametric and nonparametric techniques. At each design point=
, a global, possibly incorrect, pilot parametric model is locally adjusted =
through a kernel smoothing fit. The resulting quantile regression estimator=
behaves like a parametric one when the latter is correct and converges to =
the nonparametric solution as the parametric start deviates from the true u=
nderlying model. We give a Bahadur-type representation of the proposed esti=
mator from which consistency and asymptotic normality are derived under str=
ong mixing assumption. We also discuss numerical implementation and investi=
gate the performance of the estimator via simulations. Finally, we propose =
and numerically study a practical bandwidth selector based on the plug-in p=
rinciple, and we illustrate the methodology on a real data example.
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