[Statlist] 2009 European Establishment Statistics Workshop
Anne.Renaud at bfs.admin.ch
Anne.Renaud at bfs.admin.ch
Thu Apr 2 08:49:41 CEST 2009
> > <<EESW09 1st Call.pdf>>
> ******************
> The Organizing Committee is inviting contributions to
> The 2009 European Establishment Statistics Workshop – EESW09: Efficient methodology for producing high quality establishment statistics,
> to be held on 7-9 September 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden
> The “2009 European Establishment Statistics Workshop” is the first general workshop on methodological issues in production of statistics regarding businesses, organizations and other units not belonging to social statistics. It will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, as a 2½-day event starting on afternoon of 7th September 2009.
> Organised in a response to the need for more exchange and cooperation between establishment statistics methodologists, researchers and practitioners, EESW09 tackles the chosen subject, “Efficient methodology for producing high quality establishment statistics”. This subject will be viewed from a multitude of domains: data collection, editing and imputation, sampling and estimation, modelling, administrative data and register data use, etc. Of particular interest are topics that promise to be mutually beneficial for two or more domains, and also those that have been brought into immediate focus by the economic recession.
> Topics
> GENERAL THEME OF EESW09: Efficient use of resources for producing establishment statistics
> EMERGING ISSUE ADDRESSED AT EESW09: Measuring business statistics in recession (e.g. recession and survey-taking climate; business demography and recession; estimation challenges etc.)
> EESW09 FOCUS ON TOPICS INVOLVING MORE THAN ONE DOMAIN o integrated systems or architectures for establishment statistics production, particularly integration of questionnaire design, editing, imputation and estimation (including e.g. selective editing), o use of data external to the survey in establishment statistics production (e.g. tax data or another survey): matching issues; identification and treatment of errors in external data; systems for producing statistics from secondary data, etc, o limitation of the response burden (e.g. sample coordination; use and validation of models in estimation; paradata on editing and imputation as input to data collection improvement, etc.),
> as well as other topics that contribute to the general theme of the workshop.
> More information can be found in the enclosed file and on www.eesw09.eu.
> Contact and inquiries: eesw09 at scb.se, or by ordinary mail or fax to: EESW09, c/o Anna-Lena Carlström, R&D Department, Statistics Sweden, Box 24300, SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden; Fax +46 8 50 69 45 99.
> Organising Committee,
> Mojca Bavda> ž, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Stefan Bender, Institute for Employment Research, Germany Martin Brand, Office for National Statistics, UK Boris Lorenc, Statistics Sweden (chair) Jean-Marc Museux, Eurostat Paul-Andr> é Salamin, Swiss Federal Statistical Office Ger Snijkers, Statistics Netherlands/Utrecht University
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