[Statlist] TR: Short term R/F position at Wollongong

TILLE Yves Yves.Tille at unine.ch
Wed Dec 2 14:16:11 CET 2009

Dear All

Matt Wand has a short term Research Fellow position available at Wollongong which he has asked me to circulate. It may suit an adventurous post-doc who wants to take a year or so out and travel down to the southern hemisphere to do some interesting research (and have a look at Oz at the same time) ....

Feel free to pass on to anyone that you think might be interested. All enquiries to Matt.







   A research fellow position in statistical methodology,
   theory and computing is available for commencement
   on or after

                 1st February, 2010.

   The position is funded by the Australian Research
   Council Discovery Project:

      Generalised Linear Mixed Models: Theory,
      Methods and New Areas of Application

      Chief investigator: Professor Matt Wand

   Length of position: 10-11 months.

   Location: Centre for Statistical and Survey Methodology,
             School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics,
             University of Wollongong Main Campus,
             Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.

   Essential criteria:

          o Degree in Statistics.

          o Familiarity with the R computing environment.

   Desirable criteria:

          o Post-graduate degree in Statistics.

          o Familiarity with the BUGS computing environment.

          o Familiarity with C and/or Fortran programming.

          o Familiarity with linear mixed models and/or
            hierarchical Bayesian models.

          o Track record of published work in the
            English language.

   A feeling for the type of work to be undertaken can
   be obtained from inspection of the manuscripts featuring
   both author names `Ormerod' and `Wand' on

   A part-time appointment may be considered.

   Applicants should please e-mail a cover letter
   and curriculum vitae, both in PDF format, to

         Professor Matt Wand
         mwand at uow.edu.au<mailto:mwand at uow.edu.au>

   by 3rd January, 2010.

   Question and clarifications about the position should be
   addressed to Professor Wand.

         University of Wollongong, Australia
         CRICOS Provider No. 00102E

| _--_|\   Matt Wand, PhD FAA,  Research Professor in Statistics,     |
+/      \  School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics,              +
|\_.--. /  University of Wollongong,  e-mail: mwand at uow.edu.au<mailto:mwand at uow.edu.au>        |
+      v   Northfields Avenue,        web-site: www.uow.edu.au/~mwand<http://www.uow.edu.au/~mwand> +
|          Wollongong, NSW 2522,      phone: +61 2 4221 3556          |
+          AUSTRALIA                  fax:   +61 2 4221 4845          +

Ray Chambers
Professor of Statistical Methodology
Centre for Statistical and Survey Methodology
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics
University of Wollongong
Phone Numbers
Office: (02) 4221 3809
School Office:  (02) 4221 3845
School Fax: (02) 4221 4845
Home: (02) 4225 0725
Work: ray at uow.edu.au<mailto:ray at uow.edu.au>
Home: ray.chambers at internode.on.net<mailto:ray.chambers at internode.on.net>

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