[Statlist] Vacancy in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Brussels (ULB)

Eva Cantoni Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Fri Jan 23 09:42:40 CET 2009

*Open academic position in Statistics at the *
*Mathematics Department of the Université Libre de *
*Bruxelles.  *
The Faculty of Science of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
announces the 
opening of a full-time academic position in the Department of
Mathematics starting 
October 1st, 2009.  
Candidates are expected to lead high quality teaching and research
programs in 
Mathematical Statistics. All applicants are expected to hold a Phd in
Statistics or 
Mathematics and have a strong record of publications and research
experience in 
the domain of Mathematical Statistics. Experiences in international
collaboration as well as a significantly long research stay in a foreign
university or 
research laboratory are important assets.  
The position involves both teaching and research and some commitment to 
administrative tasks. For candidates not fluent in French, a temporary
period of 
teaching in English may be granted. This position will become permanent
after a trial 
period of three years.  
The candidate will take part in teaching activities in the Bachelor and
programmes of the faculty of Sciences.  He/she should progressively
his/her teaching activities to reach a level comparable to that of
his/her colleagues 
(typically 5 hours a week for two semesters). 
If the selected candidate is neither already employed by ULB nor
employed by the 
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique and working at ULB, he/she
will be 
offered a first contract for a duration of three years. At the end of
this period and 
subject to the agreement of the Board of the university, he/she will be
offered a 
permanent position. 
How to apply ?  
Applications should be sent as soon as possible, and before February,
28th 2009  
to the following address:  
                                                   Professeur Philippe
                                                   Recteur de l'ULB   
                                                   ULB CP 130   
                                                   50 Av F.D. Roosevelt   
                                                   B-1050 Bruxelles  
with subject :                              "Vacance Chargé de cours en
                                                   Mathématique au
Département de Mathématiques,   
A copy of the application should be sent to :  
                                                  Professeur Simone Gutt  
                                                  Président du
Département de Mathématiques   
                                                  ULB CP 218   
                                                  Boulevard du Triomphe   
                                                  B-1050 Bruxelles  
The application should consist of (i) a curriculum vitae, (ii) a
description of the 
candidate's pedagogical project, (iii) a description of the research
project that the 
candidate intends to pursue in the coming years,  (iv) a text presenting
the (up to 
five) most significant publications of the candidate and (v) a copy of
these most 
significant publications (up to five).  
The candidates are invited to use the standard model of curriculum vitae
proposed at 
ULB. This model can be downloaded at the following website:  
Additional information:  
As stated by its statutes, the University of Brussels is a non
discriminating institution 
and all its members are expected to adhere to its fundamentals
principles.  For any 
additional information (e.g. concerning courses to be taught or the
research carried 
out in the Department) please contact Prof. Simone Gutt (sgutt at ulb.ac.be
<mailto:sgutt at ulb.ac.be>). 



 Dr Eva Cantoni                 phone  : (+41) 22 379 8240
 Econométrie - Univ. Genève     fax    : (+41) 22 379 8299
 40, Bd du Pont d'Arve          e-mail : Eva.Cantoni at metri.unige.ch
 CH-1211 Genève 4               http://www.unige.ch/ses/metri/cantoni

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