[Statlist] Open position: Professor of Statistics

Xavier de Luna xavier.deluna at stat.umu.se
Tue Jan 27 11:10:00 CET 2009

Open position:

Professor of Statistics

Umeå University - with its 29,000 students and over 4,000 employees – is an
organisation in constant change and development. The university’s
researchers carry out excellence within several areas of research, and many
of them are among the world’s elite. We are one of Sweden’s largest
providers of education and offer a broad and attractive range of courses and
programmes. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment for everyone
that studies and works here. We wish to co-operate with companies and
organisations throughout the Umeå region and all over the world.

The Department of Statistics is a part of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Research is mainly directed towards observational studies in the social
sciences, including demography, econometrics, epidemiology, and
psychometrics. We are part of the research environments
"Ageing and Living Conditions", and “Swedish Initiative for Research on
Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences” (newly created) both funded by
the Swedish Research Council. The department provides teaching to several
social science programmes including business and economics, psychology and
social work.

The professor will lead research and develop the research environment at the
department. The professor is also expected to participate in teaching, and
supervision of undergraduate and graduate students. An important task for
the professor is to actively apply for external research funding.

In selecting the top candidates, scientific skill is the most important
criterion, followed by pedagogical skill. In addition to that, the skills to
lead and develop staff, scientific and pedagogical work, are important

Women are especially encouraged to apply for the position.

To the application should be attached (four copies of each):

1. Short written account of your scientific, pedagogical, and other
activities of importance for the position.

2. A CV and a list of your scientific publications. In this list you should
mark the ten top publications.

3. The ten top publications, from the list mentioned in 2.

4. Transcripts of certificates and marks (grades).

All these acts and documents should be sent electronically to jobb at umu.se or
as ordinary mail to Umeå University, Registrator, SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden.
Your application, marked "Dnr 311-2554-08" must have arrived to the correct
address no later than February 16, 2009.

More detailed information can be given by Göran Broström (gb at stat.umu.se)
and Xavier de Luna (xavier.deluna at stat.umu.se), telephone +46-90-786-5559.
See also the department web pages at http://www.stat.umu.se.

Checked by AVG. 


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