[Statlist] Course: Statistical Issues in Drug Development

stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk
Tue Jul 7 14:14:25 CEST 2009

Course: Statistical issues in Drug Development
Rennes, 1&2 September

This is a second announcement of a course based on my book Statistical
Issues in Drug Development  http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/SIDD.html
and being hosted by ENSAI http://www.ensai.com/ in Rennes, Brittany on 1
and 2 September 2009. Details of the course are available at

The course will be in English

Online subscription is now possible at
by clicking on the tab labelled "inscription", and then on the link
"Inscrivez vous en ligne". Alternatively, the following link should take
you there directly:

For any queries about the course please email me on stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk

Stephen Senn
Campus de Ker Lann
Rue Blaise Pascal
35172 Bruz Cedex
stephen at stats.gla.ac.uk
Tel +33(0)299053211

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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