[Statlist] Research scientist position: R software for robust geostatistical modelling

Andreas Papritz andreas.papritz at env.ethz.ch
Thu Mar 12 08:14:17 CET 2009

Research scientist position: R software for robust geostatistical  

The Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ITES), Department of  
Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich, and the Swiss Soil Monitoring  
Network (NABO), embark on a new project to develop software for  
robust geostatistical analyses of soil and other spatial  
environmental data. The software will be implemented in R, and its  
use will be illustrated and documented by geostatistical case studies  
for potential users. The project is supported by the Swiss Federal  
Office for the Environment (FOEN), funding is available for one year.

For this project we seek a research scientist. His or her duties will  
·      developing robust methods for predicting spatially correlated  
·      implementing algorithms in R,
·      documenting and bundling the software as R add-on package, and
·      contributing to the case studies.

Applicants should have an academic degree (BSc, MSc, diploma) in  
statistics or in science with a very good background in (robust)  
statistics. Good programming skills in R are indispensable.  
Familiarity with the ESRI GIS tools and experience in GIS analyses is  
an asset. Good knowledge of English is required; knowledge of German  
is an advantage. Ability and willingness for cooperation with  
environmental scientists is essential.

Candidates should submit their application (that should include a CV,  
a statement of research interest and qualifications, references and  
contact details of two academic referees) through the online job  
portal of ETH Zurich (http://internet5.refline.ch/845721/0460/+ 
+publications++/1/index.html). Further information about the position  
is available from Dr. Andreas Papritz, papritz[at]env.ethz.ch.

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