[Statlist] Séminaire Institut de Statistique,

ISTAT Messagerie Messagerie.ISTAT at unine.ch
Fri Mar 27 08:31:13 CET 2009

Institut de Statistique, Université de Neuchâtel
PAM 110 - Pierre à Mazel, 7  Neuchâtel


Mardi 31 mars 2009, 12h00 - 13h00
Sylvain Sardy, Section Mathématiques, Université Genève

Title: $\ell_{1}$-penalized likelihood smoothing of stationary volatility processes allowing for abrupt changes

Joint work with David Neto (UG) and Paul Tseng (UW)

Abstract: We consider the problem of estimating the volatility of a financial asset from a time series record. We believe the underlying volatility process is smooth, with potential abrupt changes due to market news, and possibly stationary.
By drawing parallels between time series and regression models, in particular between stochastic volatility models and Markov random fields smoothers, we propose a semiparametric estimator of volatility that we apply to real financial data.

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