[Statlist] Talk on Statistics 28. 05.2009
Cecilia Rey
rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri May 22 12:18:05 CEST 2009
ETH and University of Zurich
Proff. A.D. Barbour - P. Buehlmann - L. Held -
H.R. Kuensch - M. Maathuis - W. Stahel - S. van de Geer
*********************************************************** We
are glad to announce the following talk
/*Thursday, May 28, 2009, 15.45 HG G 19.1*/
/by Alan H. Welsh, The Australian National University, Center for
Mathematics and its Applications, Canberra/
Recent reflections on Extra Zeros in Count Data
The simplest way to model count data with extra zeros seems to be to
include an extra spike at the origin, forming effectively a mixture
distribution with a degenerate component. Nonetheless, there are at
least two different ways of forming the mixture. It seems not to be
widely appreciated that, at least when covariates are included, two
different models result. In this talk we will describe the two models,
make a detailed comparison of them and discuss the implications for data
analysis. We will illustrate the key points in a re-analysis of data on
Leadbeater's Possum.
The abstract is also to be found under the following link:
ETH Zürich
Seminar für Statistik
Cecilia Rey-Lutz, HG G10.3
Rämistrasse 101
CH-8092 Zurich
mail: rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
phone: +41 44 632 3438/fax: +41 44 632 1228
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