[Statlist] FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on INDICATORS AND SURVEY METHODOLOGY, Vienna, Feb. 24-26 2010
Monique.Graf at bfs.admin.ch
Monique.Graf at bfs.admin.ch
Tue Sep 22 13:24:17 CEST 2009
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below a conference announcement on behalf of the University of Technology, Vienna.
With kind regards,
Monique Graf
Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA
Federal Statistical Office FSO
Statistical Methods
Espace de l'Europe 10, CH-2010 Neuchâtel
Phone +41 32 71 36615
Fax +41 32 71 36093
Monique.Graf at bfs.admin.ch
Dear Madam or Sir,
This is the
for the International Conference on
held at the
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria from February 24-26,
Conference Website:
The conference takes place in the Year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion initiated by the European Union.
The objective of this conference is to offer a forum for new developments and applications of estimating poverty and social exclusion, income indicators and the analysis of the quality of those indicators.
All aspects of survey analysis are welcome, including (but not limited to) developments in the areas listed below:
Indicators as political instruments
- The Policy's needs for indicators
Quality of indicators
- Estimation and variance estimation for indicators
- Robust estimation of indicators
- Small area estimation for indicators
Data analysis and visualisation in the data production process
- Exploratory data analysis
- Visualisation of categorical data
- Diagnostics for models, outliers, missing values and imputed values.
- Multivariate graphics
Visualisation for a better understanding by the end user
- Visualisation of aggregated data
- Visualisation of indicators
- Mapping, GIS
Resampling methods and software
- Data-driven statistical inference
- Software development and (interactive) tools for data
- Analysis, visualisation and estimation for indicators and survey analysis
The European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme
Statistics Austria
Matthias Templ, Vienna University of Technology Andreas Alfons, Vienna University of Technology
Scientific Comittee:
Peter Filzmoser, Vienna University of Technology
Monique Graf, Swiss Federal Statistical Office
Beat Hulliger, University of Applied Science, N-W. Switzerland
Pascal Jaques, Eurostat
Risto Lehtonen, University of Helsinki
Ralf Münnich, University of Trier
Matthias Templ, Vienna University of Technology
Registration will be open from September 20. The conference fee will be approximately 180 Euro.
Details, including the exact amount of the fee, will be posted at September 15.
The number of participants is limited to 80.
Until *OCTOBER 15*, 2009: Abstract submission (oral presentations and posters)
Until November 01, 2010: Notification of abstract acceptance
Until November 10, 2010: Early registration November 10
The list of important dates is available online at
See you in Vienna.
All the best from the
Organizing Team
Matthias Templ, Andreas Alfons
From: Univ.-Ass. DI Dr.techn. Matthias Templ
Dept. of Methodology | Dept. of Statistics &
| Probability Theory
Statistics Austria | Vienna Univ. of Technology
(Thursday, Friday) | (Monday - Wednesday)
Internet: www.statistik.tuwien.ac.at/public/templ/
From: Univ.-Ass. DI Dr.techn. Matthias Templ
Dept. of Methodology | Dept. of Statistics &
| Probability Theory
Statistics Austria | Vienna Univ. of Technology
(Thursday, Friday) | (Monday - Wednesday)
Internet: www.statistik.tuwien.ac.at/public/templ/
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