[Statlist] Next Talk: Friday, Dec. 3, 2010 with Mohamed Hebiri
Cecilia Rey
rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Dec 2 11:20:27 CET 2010
ETH and University of Zurich
Proff. P. Bühlmann - L. Held - H.R. Kuensch - M. Maathuis - S. van de Geer
We are glad to announce the following talk
*Friday, December 3, 2010, 15.15h ETH Zurich HG G 19.1*
with*Mohamed Hebiri, ETH Zürich, Seminar für Statistik*
*Goodbey Talk!*
In this talk, I will present some works I have realized during my postdoc in the ETH around the variable selection topic. The main focus is Lasso-type methods. In a first part, we deal with the Lasso with an additional quadratic penalty. Then we present some results obtained on a transductive version of the Lasso. Finally, I will discuss some current works on the graphical model.
This abstract is also to be found under the following link: http://stat.ethz.ch/events/research_seminar
ETH Zürich
Seminar für Statistik
Cecilia Rey-Lutz, HG G10.3
Rämistrasse 101
CH-8092 Zurich
mail: rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
phone: +41 44 632 3438/fax: +41 44 632 1228
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