[Statlist] 2011 European Establishment Statistics Workshop (12 to 14 September 2011)

Daniel.Assoulin at bfs.admin.ch Daniel.Assoulin at bfs.admin.ch
Fri Dec 10 14:59:34 CET 2010

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to the "2011 European Establishment Statistics Workshop", the second European workshop on methodological issues in production of statistics regarding businesses and other organizations. 

The workshop will be held in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, from 12 to 14 September 2011.

The workshop is of particular interest for people working on the statistical methodology relevant for the field of business statistics.

Fore more information about the workshop and the application, please visit the web site of the European Network for Better Establishment Statistics (ENBES), www.enbes.org.

We hope that you will be able to participate in the 2011 European Establishment Statistics Workshop and look forward to meeting you in Neuchâtel in September 2011.

Organising Committee
Martin Brand, Office for National Statistics, UK
Anders Holmberg, Statistics Sweden
Wim Kloek, Eurostat
Boris Lorenc, Statistics Sweden
Paul-André Salamin, Swiss Federal Statistical Office (chair)
Yves Tillé, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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