[Statlist] Talk on Friday, 23.7.2010, with Thomas Richardson, at 14.15h

Cecilia Rey rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Jul 19 16:32:21 CEST 2010

      Please note that the talk on Friday with Thomas Richardson will
      already start at 14.15h.

ETH and University of Zurich

Proff. P. Buehlmann - L. Held -
H.R. Kuensch - M. Maathuis - S. van de Geer

We are glad to announce the following talk

Friday, July 23, 2010,  *14.15h  *ETH HG G 19.1* *

with Thomas Richardson, University of Washington, Seattle

Acyclic directed mixed graphs for binary data

Acyclic directed mixed graphs (ADMGs), also known as semi-Markov models, 
represent the conditional independence structure induced on an observed 
margin by a DAG model with latent variables. Ancestral graphs (without 
undirected edges) are a subclass of ADMGs. In this talk we first present 
a parametrization of these model for binary data. We then describe a 
maximum-likelihood fitting algorithm that may be used for scoring.

This abstract is also to be found under the following link:

ETH Zürich
Seminar für Statistik
Cecilia Rey-Lutz, HG G10.3
Rämistrasse 101                    
CH-8092 Zurich		                      	
mail: rey at stat.math.ethz.ch    	  		
phone: +41 44 632 3438/fax: +41 44 632 1228

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