[Statlist] CUSO

Sylvain Sardy Sylvain.Sardy at unige.ch
Mon Jun 14 16:40:19 CEST 2010

Dear Statisticians,

A potentially very useful new mailing list has been created by Olivier Renaud and myself to gather emails of statisticians (and related fields) interested in attending
the two CUSO seminars in Ovronnaz and Les Diablerets.

If interested in joining the mailing list, please go to https://list.unige.ch/mailman/listinfo/cusostatall
and proceed (it takes 30 seconds).

Moreover the next
    3^e cycle romand de statistique et de probabilité appliquée
that was recently advertised on the above mentioned mailing list
will take place in Ovronnaz from 15 until 18 septembre 2010. 
For program and registration, please go to

Thank you and sorry for crossposting.

Sylvain Sardy.

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