[Statlist] Workshop on Statistical Challenges and Biomedical Applications of Deep Sequencing Data
Darlene Goldstein
darlene.goldstein at epfl.ch
Thu Nov 4 20:52:42 CET 2010
Workshop on Statistical Challenges and Biomedical Applications of Deep
Sequencing Data
This workshop will be held in Ascona, Switzerland, 5 - 10 June 2011.
The rapid development of new high-throughput sequencing technologies
has opened new avenues for biological investigation on an ever-growing
scale, and there is great interest among statisticians in the
methodological challenges inherent in this quickly evolving domain.
Addressing the new statistical demands is a prerequisite for sustained
progress in biological and biomedical research predicated on these new
high-throughput technologies.
This interdisciplinary workshop is intended to be a forum for (i) the
dissemination of cutting-edge biotechnological and methodological
developments and (ii) the identification of challenging data analysis
problems. The focus is on statistical, mathematical, and computational
aspects addressing concrete real-world biological questions and
medical applications. Specific workshop topics include algorithms for
the analysis of deep sequencing data, applications to infectious
diseases and cancer, integration of heterogeneous high-throughput
genomic data types, and advances in statistical computing for these
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Michael Brudno (University of Toronto), Chris Greenman (Sanger
Institute), Willi Gruissem (ETH Zurich), Sunduz Keles (University of
Wisconsin-Madison), John Marioni (EBI), Sach Mukherjee (University of
Warwick), Ben Raphael (Brown University), Simon Tavare (Cancer
Research UK), Amalio Telenti (University of Lausanne), with others
still pending.
Contributed presentations will also be welcome.
More details and pre-registration instructions are available at
We strongly encourage pre-registration, in previous years places have
filled up quickly.
Darlene Goldstein
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Institut de mathématiques
Bâtiment MA, Station 8 Tel: +41 21 693 0528
CH-1015 Lausanne Fax: +41 21 693 4303
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