[Statlist] [ZuKoSt] Nächste ZuKoSt-Veranstaltung: Do. 18.11.2010 - HG G 19.1

Susanne Kaiser-Heinzmann kaiser at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Nov 11 16:35:24 CET 2010

Zürcher Kolloquium über anwendungsorientierte Statistik
Universität und ETH Zürich ----- Seminar für Statistik


jeweils donnerstags 16.15h bis ca. 17.30h
Zentrumsgebäude der*ETH - im  HG G 19.1*

Nächste ZuKoSt-Veranstaltung:

*18. November 2010 mit Heiko Bailer, Clariden Leu, Zürich, Switzerland*


*A simple but effective application of statistics in finance*


Nowadays, traders and financial research and sales groups increasingly
crunch numbers. However, more often than not, their models do not fit
the underlying data. This results in money loosing investments and/or
in models that are viewed not as useful by experienced practitioners.
This talk shows what can go wrong right from the start and how the
choice of simple statistical methods - that are in line with the
desired outcome - can deliver very useful results. I will discuss
fat-tail properties of financial time series and its implication on
asset allocation. In particular, I will show through an example how a
robust version of a statistical measure (Mahalanobis) helps to improve
the risk adjusted return of a tactical asset allocation model.

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


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Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

ETH Zürich
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Seminar für Statistik
Rämistrasse 101, HG G10.3    phone: +41 44 6323438
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