[Statlist] Professorship in Applied Stochastics, University of Bern

Duembgen, Lutz (STAT) lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Wed Nov 24 13:26:16 CET 2010

University of Bern
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science invites
applications for the position of


starting August 1, 2012. The appointment will be at the level of Full
Professor or Assistant Professor Tenure-Track as appropriate depending
on the experience of the successful candidate.

It is expected that the successful candidate has a first-class
research record in Applied Stochastics with emphasis on methodological
developments in Applied Statistics and/or Applied Probability.

The candidates are supposed to have experience in teaching,
supervising master and/or doctoral students and a successful record of
attracting external funding. The successful candidate should be
prepared to teach undergraduate courses in German after two years

The University of Bern encourages women to apply for this position.

Please send a letter of application, your detailed curriculum vitae, a
list of publications, copies of five most relevant publications, and
an outline of your current and planned future research to

  Dean's Office, Faculty of Science
  University of Bern,
  Sidlerstrasse 5,
  CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

Applications received before February 1, 2011 will receive a full

Further information about the Institute can be found at
Enquiries about this position should be addressed to
Prof. I. Molchanov, IMSV, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland,
e-mail: ilya.molchanov at stat.unibe.ch

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