[Statlist] Workshop of section Business and Industry, October 22, 2010
fohmiti.ck at bluewin.ch
fohmiti.ck at bluewin.ch
Thu Oct 7 14:40:39 CEST 2010
Dear Subscribers to StatList,
With this message I'd like to draw your attention to the next
Workshop of SSS-BI
Prior to the Swiss Statistics Seminar, the Section Business and Industry of the Swiss Statistical Society will organize a workshop:
Friday, October 22, 2010
University of Bern
Alpeneggstrasse 22
3012 Bern
Seminar Room â203
Our speakers this year are
Dr. Daniel Perruchoud
Dr. Michael Beer
Roland Marion-Gallois (Biometric Manager)
Abdallah Abouihia (Senior Biostatistician)
Thomas Salvesen
For more details please visit
With kind regards,
Khalid OHMITI.
Dr. Khalid OHMITI,
Omega Statistical Consulting
5, chemin de la Fauvette.
1012 Lausanne
Mob. ++41(0)787299172
Tel. ++41(0)216530131
Email. info at omegastatco.ch
fohmiti.ck at bluewin.ch
Web. www.omegastatco.ch
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