[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Seminar, October 22, 2010

Duembgen, Lutz (STAT) lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Fri Sep 17 09:20:49 CEST 2010

Dear Subscribers to StatList,

With this message I'd like to draw your attention to the next

   Swiss Statistics Seminar
   Friday, October 22, 2010
   University of Bern


Our speakers this year are

   Richard Nickl (Cambridge)
   Juliette Blanchet (SLF, Davos)
   Gilles Celeux (Orsay)

(The first meeting in 2011 is scheduled for April 15, 2011, in Bern.)

With kind regards,

Lutz Duembgen

University of Bern
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science

Prof. Lutz Duembgen

Alpeneggstrasse 22
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)31 631-8802
Fax:   +41 (0)31 631-3805
mailto:duembgen at stat.unibe.ch

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