[Statlist] WG: UN Competitive Examinations for Young Statisticians
Daniel.Assoulin at bfs.admin.ch
Daniel.Assoulin at bfs.admin.ch
Fri Aug 12 09:25:58 CEST 2011
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Hier ein interessanter Aufruf für die Bewerbung junger Schweizer Statistiker/innen bei den Vereinten Nationen (UN).
Mit besten Grüssen
Daniel Assoulin
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI /
Département fédéral de l'intérieur DFI
Bundesamt für Statistik BFS /
Office fédéral de la statistique OFS
Dienst Statistische Methoden /
Service de méthodes statistiques
Espace de l'Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchatel, Suisse / Switzerland
Tel: (+41 32) 713 67 51; Fax: (+41 32) 713 60 93
mailto: Daniel.Assoulin at bfs.admin.ch
http://www.statistik.admin.ch <http://www.statistik.admin.ch/>
Von: Tiina Luige [mailto:Tiina.Luige at unece.org]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. August 2011 14:16
An: _BFS International
Betreff: UN Competitive Examinations for Young Statisticians
Dear colleagues,
You may wish to circulate this message to young colleagues in your offices who may be eligible for the UN Competitive Examinations for Young Statisticians. The aim of the exam is to recruit new UN staff members for a professional career as international civil servants. The applicants need to hold at least a first level university degree, be 32 years old or younger by the end of this year, speak either English or French fluently, and be a national of selected countries that are un- or underrepresented among the UN staff (see list below).
Each year the eligible countries and specialities change, so this may be a rare opportunity for nationals of your country to take an exam in statistics. We have several colleagues working in the UNECE Statistical Division who have been recruited through this exam (including myself). The exam covers statistical theory and different areas of statistics. It is quite difficult and requires good preparation.
More information is available at http://careers.un.org/lbw/home.aspx?viewtype=NCE.
The deadline for applications for the 2011 Competitive Examinations is 10 September 2011. The persons interested should apply through the UN Office for Human Resources Management website given above.
Wishing good luck for the applicants with the exam,
Kind regards,
76 eligible countries:
Afghanistan Algeria Andorra Angola
Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Belgium
Bhutan Brazil Brunei Darussalam Burkina Faso
Comoros Costa Rica Cyprus Denmark
Dominican Republic DR Congo Estonia Finland
France Gambia Georgia Germany
Greece Grenada Guinea-Bissau Hungary
Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan
Kiribati Kyrgyzstan Lesotho Liberia
Liechtenstein Lithuania Marshall Islands Mexico
Monaco Montenegro Mozambique Namibia
Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway
Pakistan Palau Paraguay Poland
Portugal Republic of Korea Romania Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Swaziland
Sweden Switzerland Syria The former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia
Togo Tonga Turkey Tuvalu
United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay
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