[Statlist] Fwd: Vacancy at Keyworth

Papritz Andreas Jürg andreas.papritz at env.ethz.ch
Thu Dec 15 12:40:16 CET 2011

Dear Colleagues,

A vacancy has arisen for an environmental statistician to work with me at the British Geological Survey in Keyworth, Nottingham.  I would be most grateful if you would draw this to the attention of any likely candidates.  For details see the link below.  Note that applications must be received by 20th January.

With thanks and best regards



Murray Lark

British Geological Survey
Nottingham, NG12 5GG
United Kingdom

Email:      mlark at nerc.ac.uk<mailto:mlark at nerc.ac.uk>
Telephone:  +44(0)115 9363026
Mobile:     07857677248
Web:    http://www.bgs.ac.uk/staff/profiles/40081.html


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