[Statlist] Chair of Statistics at the University of Glasgow

Stephen Senn Stephen.Senn at glasgow.ac.uk
Mon Feb 14 10:30:23 CET 2011

I am posting this advert on behalf of the school of mathematics and statistics. Please do not reply to me.
Stephen Senn

 University of Glasgow

                  School of Mathematics & Statistics

                         CHAIR OF STATISTICS

                             REF: 00025-7
The University of Glasgow, established in 1451, is a member of the 
UK's Russell Group of leading universities. The University is 
committed to enhancing its position as one of the world's great, 
broad-based, research-intensive universities. Central to our 
strategic development plan, 'Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision', the 
University has created 23 senior positions in the newly established 
Colleges of Science & Engineering, Medical, Veterinary & Life 
Sciences, and Arts. Some of these positions will cross traditional 
subject boundaries to lead cross-College themes including energy, 
biomedical engineering, health & wellbeing and medical humanities.

The Chair of Statistics, established in 1966, will become vacant 
on the retirement of Professor Michael Titterington in the summer 
of 2011.  The successful applicant will be an established scholar 
with an outstanding international reputation, have a profile of 
world-leading research in Statistical Methodology, have proven 
excellence in attracting competitive research funding, and the 
ability to innovate and lead change across all aspects of research 
and learning.

Informal enquiries may be directed to the Head of School, 
Professor Nicholas Hill (0141 330 5176, hos at maths-stats.gla.ac.uk) 
or to the Head of Statistics, Professor John McColl (0141 330 4749, 
John.McColl at glasgow.ac.uk). Information about the Statistics group 
and its research is available from the School website at


Apply online at www.glasgow.ac.uk/jobs.
If you are unable to apply online, contact us on 0141 330 3898 for 
an application pack, quoting reference 00025-7. 

Closing date: 12th April 2011. 

The University is committed to equality of opportunity in employment.

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401.

Stephen Senn

Professor of Statistics
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Direct line: +44 (0)141 330 5141
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4814
Private Webpage: http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/home.html

University of Glasgow
15 University Gardens
Glasgow G12 8QW

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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