[Statlist] Statistics Seminar, 4 March 2011 at 15h15

Schaffner Portillo Maroussia maroussia.schaffnerportillo at epfl.ch
Fri Feb 25 08:48:36 CET 2011


Friday, 4 March 2011 - 15h15

Room MA A3 31, EPFL

Dr. Johanna Ziegel
Universität Heidelberg

will be speaking on :

Precision Estimation for Stereological Volumes

Volume estimators based on Cavalieri's principle are widely used in the biosciences. For example in neuroscience, where volumetric measurements of brain structures are of interest, systematic samples of serial sections are obtained by magnetic resonance imaging or by a physical cutting procedure. The volume v is then estimated by $\hat{v}$, which is the sum over the areas of the structure of interest in the section planes multiplied by the width of the sections, t>0. Assessing the precision of such volume estimates is a question of great practical importance, but statistically a challenging task due to the strong spatial dependence of the data and typically small sample sizes. In this talk an overview of classical and new approaches to this problem will be presented. A special focus will be given to some recent advances on distribution estimators and confidence intervals for $\hat{v}$.

Best regards.

Maroussia Schaffner Portillo


Phone: 37922


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