[Statlist] call for speakers workshop applied statistics

Fränzi Korner fraenzi.korner at oikostat.ch
Thu Mar 17 08:49:52 CET 2011


we are still looking for speakers for the Workshop Applied Statistics in
LifeSciences! Please, note that also contributions from other fields than
life sciences are welcome!

Looking forward hearing of you

Fränzi Korner




4th Workshop "Applied Statistics in LifeSciences" 

Bern, 15th April 2011, 09:45 – 12:3


The group "LifeSciences" within SSS serves as a networking instrument
between practitioners and scientists in the Life Sciences (and other fields)
interested in applied statistics and applied statisticians. At the meeting,
each participant will shortly introduce her/himself. Thereafter, three open
statistical problems from the Life Sciences are presented (about 15 min),
and discussed in plenum (about 20 min). On the one hand, this is a good
opportunity for practitioners and scientists in the Life Sciences to get
feedback and professional consulting on their data analyses. On the other
hand, it presents problems and needs concerning applied statistics to the
statisticians. This workshop promises synergistic gains for both sides.

A short abstract of the three contributions will be sent to all participants

Location:     University of Bern, Institut für Exakte Wissenschaften,

                  Room B1, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern

Date and time:    15th April 2011, 09:45 – 12:30 (inclusive 30 min coffee

before the spring seminar of the SSS section Education & Research


    * We are pleased to receive your application for a contribution (15 min
presentation of an open statistical problem). 

Please, send us a title and brief abstract (max. 150 words) until 30th March
2011 to <fraenzi.korner at oikostat.ch>.

    * If you intend to participate in the workshop, please, send us your
e-mail address to receive the abstracts beforehand.


Dr. Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, oikostat – Statistical Analyses & Consulting,
fraenzi.korner at oikostat.ch

Prof. Barbara Hellriegel, Anthropology, University of Zurich,
barhell at aim.uzh.ch


Dr. Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt

oikostat GmbH

Ausserdorf 43

CH - 6218 Ettiswil

Tel.: +41 (0) 41 980 49 22



Schweizerische Vogelwarte

CH - 6204 Sempach



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