[Statlist] Opening at Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

Sperisen,Peter,LAUSANNE,Institute of Health Sciences Peter.Sperisen at rd.nestle.com
Mon Apr 23 09:26:23 CEST 2012

Dear Statisticians,


I am working as a senior scientist Systems Biology at the recently created Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (http://www.nestleinstitutehealthsciences.com). This newly created institute is located on the campus of the well known EPFL in Lausanne allowing us to collaborate with scientists from various domains ranging from biology to engineering. Our main research axes are Metabolic Health, Gastrointestinal Health and Brain Health. In parallel we are setting up various omics platforms together with Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. We currently have an open position for a scientist Systems Biology. The profile that we are currently focusing on is:


·         PhD in Applied Mathematical Modeling, Physics, Statistics or Systems Biology with 3-6 years of research experience.

·         Proficient in the integrative analysis of multivariate data and modelling.

·         Experienced in numerical analysis and programming.

To analyze experimental multivariate data using appropriate statistical techniques, integrate analysis across various data types and to develop models to generate testable hypothesis.

You can find more details about the job on the Nestlé Careers website: https://nestle.taleo.net/careersection/3/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=120000AV


Maybe you know someone in your group or elsewhere that is looking for something new and, if not yet living in Switzerland, interested in moving to Switzerland. Please feel free to forward this email to other colleagues of yours.



Peter Sperisen


Peter Sperisen, PhD

Systems Biology

Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences SA

Campus EPFL

Quartier de l'innovation, bâtiment G

1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

Tel        +41 21 632 6112

Mail      Peter.Sperisen at rd.nestle.com

Web     http://www.nestleinstitutehealthsciences.com <http://www.nestleinstitutehealthsciences.com> 


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